
Does it take alot of stregnth to do a wheelie on my bike?

by  |  earlier

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Do i have to be like super strong to pull it off..

or is it all about technique?

Any tips.




  1. lean back, press hard on the pedal(just the one that is moving down), and pull back on the handle bars.  After that it's just about learning to balance your weight  (equal weight on both sides of the rear wheel).

    It takes no strength on a BMX.  More on a mountain.  A whole lot on a road or fixed bike.

  2. try to use your legs to hild yourself up while lifting the handlebars and pull up and balance.  Once you have it down well, try to go far down the road doing em.  its about your technique.

  3. Dude im so fat that people stare when i walk by (not really)

    But it requires very little strength when u pull up lean back FAR ur behind has to behind the seat then u kinda gotta... Like do a humping motion to keep balance cuz when u straighten ur legs u bring ur wheel up a lil jus remeber when ur learning us a helmet and ur brakes when u feel like ur gonna fall down

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