
Does it take as much faith to believe as it does to doubt?

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Something I've heard many times.




  1. if your faith is genuine then the doubt is a natural part of the faith, it is still there.  

  2. Faith is religious based, so no. Atheists find it much easier to not believe because there is so much evidence to prove otherwise. If we had evidence, actual, hard evidence that he did exist, we would believe in him. But since there is not, I'll trust science, because it's constantly trying to reexamine itself and find answers, where as religion is just fine with what it has without seeking truth, and they're fine with trusting very old documents that were written by a very old culture with very old, incorrect views.

  3. It depends on the person.

  4. No, doubting doesn't require any faith.

    Do you think it takes faith to doubt Thor?


  5. the answer is no.

    case in point: what takes more faith... believing in the tooth fairy or doubting the toothfairy?

  6. Either way it is at a stroke of event when we realise the truth.

  7. Well if you have faith the size of a mustard seed then that's all you need to grow in faith with Jesus. But making yourself no believe something because you can't "see" it I think calls for more effort. Many people spend more time trying to prove something does not exist than just believing it.  

  8. It's a c**p shoot until you die. As an Atheist, it was kind of a big deal for me. Dying and all.

    What my experience was in limbo changed my life forever.

    Email me if you really want to know to know about it..

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