
Does it take away the interest and seriousness of a sport if one person can win eight gold at one time.?

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and in the same sport ( swimming ) I think I will practise some swimming for the next Olympics as the golds are being given away so freely in this area for a couple of minutes effort. I wont need eight gold though. One is enough. Eight is rather greedy I think and not sporting.




  1. Why would it? The "one person" that you speak of is not in every race.

  2. No, it just makes everyone else work harder so they can compete on his level.

  3. Your an idiot for stating such a question...Go away and never come back to this site.

  4. Ha! I swam on a elite level of swimming for 10 years and can tell you that it is absolutely unheard of to be that diverse in the sport of swimming. As early as high school, elite swimmers are forced to focus primarily on 2 individual events and 2 relay swims. On top of that, the 2 relays are usually just a replay of the two individual events that you already swim....SO, no, if you have an athletic bone in your body, or have ever attempted to swim more than a doggy paddle you will quickly learn that to master 5 individual swims in the sport is AMAZING. He has earned ever ounce of those gold medals. Some people have no respect...

  5. I have no clue as I'm not interested in Olympic sports but what I do find very disturbing in that our economy and pretty much the rest of the world is having problems with money, housing market, gas/oil, etc. etc. yet a person who has no real contribution to the world has 5 million+ dollars in endorsements-this doesn't make sense to me

    And also, why is China allowed to compete still if their team has someone on it that is 2 years younger than the competing age? How does this c**p make any sense???

  6. It just creates more competition and makes every one else try harder.

  7. A couple minutes effort?  Do you realize how extraordinary it is for Michal Phelps to win 8 Gold medals? It isn't because swimming is easy, or the medals are given away freely, its because of how hard he works.  Do you realize those athletes are the best in the world because they have been training harder than you will ever know for most, if not all, of their lives.  Michael Phelps spends countless hours everyday teaining for those 8 medals, so it wasn't just a couple minutes effort, it was like 20 years worth of effort.,

  8. No it does not.  There have always been great Olympic Champions, ever since the Classical Olympic Games in ancient Greece.

    We need classical champions more than ever - we need heroes, and the All American Olympic Champion Michael Phelps has given not just the USA but the entire Olympic movement, the champion it needs and deserves.

    Millions of kids all over the world have seen and admired Michael Phelps - they want to live up to his high standards and in the generations to come, there will be another great Olympian who will beat Michael Phelps's Olympic records.  But Phelps will remain with the Imortals, an Olympian forever.

    Michael Phelps forever Olympian

    Yet still my own Olympic Champion and Hero is Jesse Owens.

    Οι ολυμπιακές ιδανικές ζωές επάνω στο όνομα του ολυμπιακού πρωτοπόρου Michael Phelps - ο ήρωας του Πεκίνου 2008 Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες

  9. Well, I think it's going to take a long, long time before anyone can achieve this feat again. Remember that it was 36 years ago that Mark Spitz had his 7 medals. We probably have to wait longer.

    Isn't that just sour graping? If you are in the Olympics, you will want to win as much as you can.

  10. Hmmm, I don't think it's unsporting, but I would agree that it calls into question the degree of difficulty of those events, which may need to be raised to keep up with advances in training, $$, and technology (e.g. the buoyant swimming gear they now wear!).

    Swimmers do always seem to be the ones with multiple people winning multiple golds, unlike most track athletes who tend to specialise in one, or maybe two, events.

  11. Give me your name and I'll watch out for you in the next Olympics. :)

    Besides, this is a one time deal, no-one has done this before.

  12. I kind agree with you. I think there should be a 95m dash and a 105m dash added to the olympic games to make sure that a person with 100m dash talent can win multiple gold medals.

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