
Does it take more total energy to produce a pound of steak or produce a pound of grain?

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* the available energy at each trophic level and

* the producer-consumer relationship.




  1. As you go up each trophic level you lose about 90% energy. Thus 100 calories of cow will require 1000 calories of grain. Meat is a highly inefficient food source.

  2. To get a pound of state, you have to feed the animal about 10 pounds of grain, or equivalent in other form.

    That should answer your question.

  3. A pound of stake.

    Energy decreases at each higher trophic level.

    Cattle do not convert a pound of food to a pound of meat, of course -- they must eat many pounds of plants to produce a pound of meat.

    The original idea was to have cattle and goats graze on land that couldn't be farmed - thus enabling exploitation of energy that humans couldn't otherwise utilize.

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