
Does it take the same corrent\voltage to ring a telephone in the UK as it taks in the USA?

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Does it take the same corrent\voltage to ring a telephone in the UK as it taks in the USA?




  1. The ringing voltage in the uk is about 75volts.

  2. Yes it does, It is all low voltage it's on differences in the U S & the U K. Long time ago it was not like that but the UK, has and is catching up with the same voltage as the UK, altho in the US. have a better Electrict sistim but they the U S. cut a lot of corners when there do the work but it is change now in the Us since a few yrs. Now. But the phone line are the me. Where it's change is in the House / Building then it's different Kind of, like I say it's kind of catching up now the both countrys are!.

  3. the voltage in the uk is 48v

  4. Yep

  5. its low voltage     24v

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