
Does it upset feminists, that they cant use VAWA to rid this web site of men.?

by  |  earlier

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As a consolation, there is still yahoo gestapo




  1. They are just enraged that you have outfoxed them.

  2. How on earth can someone thumbs down the girl talking about a spousal murder? Do you guys just thumbs down everyone with a female avatar? How sad are you guys?

    Women aren't upset that you're here...

    I'm surprised you dedicate so much of your free time to just being juvenile, though.

  3. If you listen really closely, you can hear thousands of eyes rolling at the exact same time.

  4. VAWA deals with domestic abuse which is very serious. I doubt any feminists would be so vacuous to even joke about comparing it to a web forum. Maybe you should talk to the woman who's friend was just murdered by her husband before you make light of VAWA.

  5. Leave us alone, we just want to tell you what to do and help you

    it is to give you fairness, you upset me, I'm a good feminist

  6. LOL!  You can bet some of them would like a law to shut us anyway, you can be sure of that. Just look at the support from feminists for the crazy domestic violence laws in India...;...

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