
Does it upset you that environment - friendlly products are more expensive than damaging products? any ideas?

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Global warming is a very seriuos issue, that is slowly becoming important to more people every day, myself included. Change starts with yourself, and I'm actively recycling and trying to do whatever I can to reduce my carbon imprint. I'm glad to see some manufacturers have started developing more cleansing products that are biodegradable or less damaging to the environment, however, they are more expensive than regular and damaging products... what do you think can be done to fight this? any ideas on how to force these companies to contribute more by making their products more accesible to the general public???




  1. extremely! in fact, i believe that is a very major significant problem. especially since our economy's f*cked up

  2. Yes it does upset me. it costs more to be env-friendly. well like u i try to use both sides of paper, and reuse things.

    how do u reduce carbon imprint?  well u cannot force them to make their products more accessible, because i did economics and social science, companies want to do good, but they still need to earn profits. Implementing env-friendly stuff already takes a toll on them.

  3. well if you like natural products you don`t necesserly need to buy them. you can also use products like vinegar, salt, corn starch, soda, peroxide and believe me, it`s clean. i`ve been using these all my life for my house and myself and i`m over 40.

  4. If you really want to combat global warming there are some things you can do as an individual without waiting for someone else to make it easier to do. Start by eating no beef, cows produce a lot of methane and that's 21-23 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2. Second, don't eat rice until they find a way to produce it without releasing methane and nitrous oxide, which is 310 more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. Trees absorb CO2 but emit methane so it's unclear if they're good or bad for global warming.

    Recycling most products isn't profitable so don't expect it to happen unless the government mandates it or provides an economic incentive to recyclers.

    One problem we have is that everything we buy now is disposable. 20 years ago you bought a radio or tv and it was expected to still be working 20 years later and if it stopped working you got it repaired. Things are so cheap now that's it's not cost-effective to get most things repaired, we toss it out and buy a new product instead. But until China stops making inexpensive products that don't last as long as the products we used to buy, this won't go away.

    Also, instead of CFL bulbs try to find a way to use LED or stay with incandescents until LED light fixtures are available. The mercury in the CFL bulbs will eventually be in landfills and may leach into water supplies causing massive problems 10 or 20 years from now. Not every solution is the right one and that's the case with CFL right now, they use less energy but the mercury problem may outweight that.

    Finally, relax. I've been around long enough to have heard horror stories that at a certain point (which we passed decades ago) the Earth's population would be too great and there would be massive starvation and the end of civilization. It didn't happen. Then it was a new ice age, cyclamates, PCBs, radon , alar, lead paint, killer bees and so on. The media loves to scare you since it makes you pay attention and they can sell advertising. Don't take it too seriously, the world has been around a long time and so far we haven't all died off, turned to cannibalism (as Ted Turner predicts we will) or poisoned the planet. The air and water is far cleaner in the US today than it was 30 years ago which proves these problems can be solved. Usually the free market system is the best way to do that, not legislation and regulation since politicians and bureaucrats are generally not very bright.

  5. They are more expensive because they cost more to produce.  The only reason that they are on the market is due to the fact there are many people with money who want to use these products and are willing to pay more to ease their guilt.

    And like Jazzfan said relax.  The reason why I am a skeptic is because has been scaring us for thirty years, non of their predictions have come true.  Global warming is just but another scare tactic because they believe we should be more energy efficient regardless if global warming is true or not.

  6. i think it is the time where we should - this is a thought ok - lol

    we could stop all jobs, businesses, and school and take a stand and start really getting serious if we are going to live on this planet any longer

    at the end of the day its not about what we made into a line of thoughts and knowledge that is called education, and the thing we do physically to get paid to sustain ourselves. NO. its about the real real thing if we are all going to die once and for all and if there will be no more humans and life.

    at that point, who WOULD think about education / businesses?!?!!

    businesses should really think like this and really influence ppl to buy better products that are more GREEN by making them cheap - and since some of these CEO businesses are sooo d**n rich - give them out for FREE I GUESS!!!

    jeez these big people gotta get a grip


    check out my new environmental website :

  7. It`s good the indivdual is doing there part for the enviroment,What i would like to see though is just what are major industrial countries like China as an example doing towards this to,Or are with just offsetting there bad practises.I think the goverments are Hypocrites,Lets see some figures Maybe in the Newspapers where it tells you the countrys Temp.and pollen count etc.The countrys carbon footprint per region,Then again that can be manipulated to...

    It is always the little people who have to pay the price right!

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