
Does it waste electricity

by  |  earlier

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does it waste electricty to leave a plug plugged in the wall without it goint to a power source




  1. Depends on the kind of plug.  If you're talking about the kind that has a transformer on them (or whatever those things are called--basically, a box stuck in the middle of the cord, or on one end), then yes.  Those things draw power even if they aren't hooked up to anything--they even feel warm to the touch when they've been left plugged in for a while.  They don't draw much power, though.  Other plus don't draw power, as far as I know, if they're not attached to an appliance.

  2. if you mean something like an extension cord that eventually goes nowhere, no you aren't drawing any current, so no waste.

  3. No, power is only consumed when an object drawes a current. For example if a lamp is plugged in and not turned on no power is consumed

  4. Some do and some don't.

    Like the power adaptor convert AC into DC. It consumes a small watts of power even the electronic device that is attached to it without turns ON. Unless a ON -OFF switch is installed between the AC power source and the adaptor. Computer power supply always on standby mode even after we shut it down. We waste quite a lot of electricity on all the power supplies (wireless house phone,printer,computer sound amplifier......etc.)

  5. Depends how you define waste, if you check a cable plugged in with a neon or similar indicator it will show that it is live, now this is because it can detect a tiny electric field, and therefore energy is being radiated.  I you are concerned for you utility bill, don't worry at all.

  6. yes just about anything you leave plugged in is going to draw something.  One plug by itself might not mean much but when you add up all the plugs in your house it ends up being substantial.

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