
Does it work as effectively?

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Im using the Listerine mouth wash every day, but i dilute it with water (half cap water half cap listerine), i just wonder using mouth wash this way, DOES IT WORK AS EFFECTIVELY AS only using it alone?

Another thing is, after rinse the diluted Listerine between teeth/gum for about 1 minute, I always rinse my mouth with water because I do NOT like the sweetness from Listerine in my mouth.

Do my teeth still get protection by it or not??

Many thanks




  1. I would say no, it doesn't work as effectively.

    Because you're rinsing the mouthwash right off of your teeth, and because it doesn't have as much potency when you use half mouthwash, half water.

  2. If you could lessen the ratio down to 3/4 Listerine,  and 1/4 water,  and swish for at least a minute,  it should still be doing some significant germ killing.

    However,  don't rinse afterward,  that is washing away the medicine that is working on the germs.    Listerine keeps working for quite awhile after you spit it out,  but stops working when you wash it off.

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