
Does jamaica do public hangings? and if so, can you show me a source of information.?

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I need proof.




  1. im jamaica u will love it u will love our music culture people food place and of course public hangings

  2. I assume you mean execution of people convicted of capital crimes, being hung in publicly visible gallows. Under colonial rule (as recently as 150 years ago) this was still done, but its not practiced in modern Jamaica.

    As far as normal hanging (behind closed doors), this hasnt been done since the 1980's.

    EDIT: The last hanging took place in February 1988.

    In Jamaican legal circles, it is generally believed that Jamaica is not serious about hanging anymore. Appeals processes take so long that people end up being on death row for so long that the Privy Council wont allow them to be hung. According to the UK privy council, more than about 5 years on Death Row in Jamaica = Cruel and unusual punishment.

    The case is known as 'pratt and morgan' in Jamaica. Google it! The first link that came up in my search is listed below.

  3. What do u think we r? Savages?

  4. Yep we certainly do, all around Jamaica people hang their laundry to be sun dried, we have brilliant sunshine all year round, there is not a piece of garment that is not hang and in full view for passersby, now that's PUBLIC HANGINGS.

    One Love.

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