
Does jetlag keep you from flying overseas?

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Does jetlag keep you from flying over the atlantic or pacific?




  1. jet lag doesn't because i can just sleep for ages when i arrive at the destination. why waste a holiday because you don't want to get jet lagged???

    btw i hate feeling sick on the plane....but then again they give you bags to throw-up in......and why waste a holiday beause you don't want to throw-up on the plane???  

  2. no, not at all. Because 2 weeks before leaving for abroad, I make it a point to change my sleeping habit.  I sleep during daytime and fully awake at night time.  I even prefer to just sleep in the place on my way to my point of destination :)

    Try these and GOD BLESS YOUR TRIP!!!!!

  3. Of course not! My families are scattered from the States to Asia so flying overseas is something I'm use to.

    I never get jetlag on my way from US to Asia but I'll get one when I returned to the US and it normally takes about a week to get back to normal.  

  4. If you fly west, you won't have a problem. You get jetlag from flying east.

    I can't imagine jetlag would keep anyone from flying anywhere - it's really such a minor issue.

  5. Yes, unless I can get a few hours of sleep before the next meeting or appointment.

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