
Does keeping my cell phone in my pocket scream "affair"??

by  |  earlier

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I use to not, know I keep it with me all the time.




  1. yes, especially if you used to just leave it out.

  2. No it just means that you're one of those wemen that drives one of those stupid gas guzzler SUV's while yappin on her cell.

  3. No, but it does scream lumpy pockets..get out the iron!

  4. yez

  5. doesn't mean your having an affair.

    are you having an affair?

  6. Not unless you are having one and don't want your partner to see things on there, If you walk around with a guilt complex maybe, but if it's just you and the way it always has been and you have nothing to hide why worry.

  7. No, Texting however DOES!

  8. I can see how it might. You never did it before why are you doing it now? All of a sudden you changed your habits and are acting suspicious. Most people in a relationship would see that as a red flag.

  9. no, but coming home with torn panties and bra might....

  10. I don't think it screams "affair" but it might be alarming if it secretive compared to how you use to leave it. I mostly keep it in my pocket because I have a tendency to lay it down and walk away. Then I don't here it and get mad at myself! But there are other times (like when I go to bed) that I just leave it lay on the nightstand. I do turn it to vibrate at night though.

  11. Oh, h**l, I don't know.

  12. No it doesn't scream affair. Both my sister and I keep ours in our pockets and on vibrate. This allows it to always be available, so I don't spend any time looking for it. I also leave it on vibrate so that the ring doesn't disturb other people this includes my husband. He doesn't want to hear it ring every time I get a text message.

    Is there a reason why you think it screams affair? Like are you having an affair? If not don't give it a second thought.

  13. Maybe? It depends if that could be added to other signs and signals....

    I L U baby

  14. No but your attitude may

  15. do you think you would 'cheat'. if youre not doin anything wrong, then placing the phone in your pocket or bag is not PROBLEM.  to make it better, show your other half your in-out log of who called or you called.  

  16. Ummmm Nooo...

  17. I don't think a cell phone screams anything,and if yours is you may need more help than you will get here..

  18. If you are having an affair and exhibiting other behaviors that you haven't in the past then keeping your cell in your pocket could scream "affair".  If you've taken on a new role as a PTA officer or coaching something the kids are doing, it would be pretty explainable and understandable that you might need to have it more readily available.  It really depends on your situation and the relationship that you have with your partner.

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