
Does keith olbermann wear a toupee?

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or is that his real hair?




  1. I sell them so I should know.  Not only does Keith Olbermann wear a hair piece, it's an awful one that screams toupee.  The giveaway is the massive "wall of hair" in front, but little on the sides.  Top and sides just don't blend together naturally, and human hair simply does not grow that way, leaving Keith looking ridiculous.  I would recommend he go with a much thinner hair piece, one that's appropriate for his age and hair loss.  It would mean conceding some hairline, but in return getting a somewhat natural look. Clearly the man is surrounded by sycophants and "yes men" -- otherwise someone would tell him how absurd his appearance is. He's not folling anybody, just looking like a fool.

  2. I am going to say no.

  3. Yes...definately....and he's a bleeding heart f****t

  4. Who cares??

  5. Who cares??

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