
Does kid lose active play time because of homework????

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yes kids do lose time to excrise and everything because they sit inside for hours do homework and they don't walk around or anything they get do homework and eat




  1. I make sure they have time for play. At the moment thought thye only do about 30 min per week so it is not too hard

  2. My child gets plenty of move around time.  She comes home, does about an hours worth of homework and then goes outside to play.

  3. I agree. Sometimes I get loads of homework and have to sit inside all day to do it! It stinks.

  4. if so, that's a bummer.

    my oldest is in third grade so homework is still pretty manageable.  the kids get home by 3:30 and i let them play outside until 5:15 or so before coming in to start homework.

    i'm a big believer that school is very important but that play is equally so.

  5. Why ask a question if you're going to answer it yourself?  If your child is doing hours of homework, you need to talk to the child's teacher.  There is no research-based evidence to support the need for that much homework.  Ever.

  6. Their homework should not take them several hours! If it is taking them hours to do a reasonable amount of homework I would be worried about how well they are understanding the material. Kids should be able to get out and play. Now, once they are in high school like me (I'm in 11th grade), I DO have several hours of homework each night, plus I have hockey practice and work. I still exercise regularly.

  7. I do not agree.  If you manage your time properly there should be enough time to do both.  Think about it if you get out of school at 3:30 and home by 4:00. Homework should be finished in a timely fashion.  Even putting your child to bed at 8 would give 4 hours.  You tell me what school system gives 4 hours worth of homework and I'll say that it affects exercise.

  8. your correct so try to do some when your on the bus or in study hall or even in the car.

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