
Does lactaid milk or any other lactose free milk make you lactose intolerant?

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I am not lactose intolerant but my friend is, she drinks lactaid milk and I tried it and I like it better than normal skim milk. If I continue drinking it will it cause my body to become lactose intolerant?




  1. no it wont

  2. Short answer no. All lactaid does is reduce the lactose available in the milk, so people wirh lactose intolerence are able to drink and tolerate the milk with minimal side effects.

    Therefore if the taste of the milk appeals to you, go for it by all means.

  3. Nope. Lactose intolerance is the lack of a specific enzym which makes it impossible to metabolize lactose. Drinking lactose free milk, or lactaid which actually has some lactose but also some of the enzym necessary to process it cannot make you lose use of an enzym that you have. However, if you do not ingest any lactose over time, you will stop producing the enzym, but this will come back gradually after exposure. It takes about 6 years of having no lactose for an otherwise non-lactose intolerant being to become intollerant, and only 3 weeks to recover from the condition.

  4. no, there is no lactose in the lactaid milk for you to develop an intolerance to. just like if you were to drink soy milk, nothing would happen to you. some people even drink lactose-free milk without haveing an intolerance, because they think its healthier.

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