
Does law Enforcement have to get a concealed weapons permit?

by Guest63368  |  earlier

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I graduated a Police Academy and I am Currently State certified in Florida as a Law Enforcement Officer. I am not currently on with any agency. I am turning 21 in 2 weeks, do I have to get my concealed weapons permit if I graduated a Police Academy and I am State Certified? If so thats crazy because I obviously know what i'm doing. Any help?




  1. You are not  currently a law enforcement official, you need the permit.............

  2. Being a police academy graduate is not the same thing as being a sworn police officer. Agencies that employ certified police officers take the liability of their officers carrying concealed weapons, so they issue them identification which serves as a concealed weapons permit (most agencies). Some agencies may not allow you to carry off duty, then the officer would need to get a private CCW to carry off duty. This in effect reverts the liability back on the individual officer. While I certainly agree that you have learned alot about weapons in the academy, it hardly qualifies an individual on it's own to know about carrying off duty. Did the academy teach how to conceal weapons off duty? When, where and how you should carry? Which weapon is most ideal for carrying concealed? How to respond to a crime in progress when your not equipped to respond? (i.e. not having a radio, uniform, etc) These are things that your individual agency will teach you if they allow you to carry off duty. Police academies tend to be general teaching, where as the graduate will receive agency specific training once back from the academy.

  3. Absolutely.

  4. A police officer can carry anywhere in the United States as long as he/she has their credentials and must be a sworn officer.

    This is the simplest of answers: I am an officer, and I have a concealed permit that I had before I was an officer and will still keep it updated and valid, and I am allowed to carry throughout the states.

    If you recently graduated and have to go through field training, and that is probably why your asking, then chill on it for a few more months man, you will be carrying in no time.

    Technically with this situation you are good to go, but by departmental rules they can fire you if you disobey.

  5. You need to get a permit.  You can only carry a firearm while fully employed by a law enforcement agency.  The fact that you asked this question worries me, as that is covered in school!

  6. You have to be an active or retired law enforcement officer to qualify to carry a concealed weapon.  Otherwise, you have to qualify in the same manner as anyone else.

  7. Obviously you didn't learn much while you were at the academy! I have a shoe box full of certifications! And at 52 yrs. old i obviously am capable of carrying a concealed weapon! however I'm not employed by L/E/A so i had to get a permit like everyone else. Its kinda scary with your attitude you made it out of the academy!!

  8. The whole thing behind the permits is getting these people registered. In your case, all you need to do is present the application and pay the fee. In Florida, you were not required to take the course if you had been in the military. Check with the agency that issues the permits.

  9. Yes, you cannot carry as a law enforcement officer unless you actually have your badge.  Then and only then can you carry on it.  Also, that doesnt mean that you can carry what you want.  Many departments have regulations as to what you are allowed to carry off duty.  And they may even qualify you with that weapon as well as your primary.

  10. Yes, you are not employed as an officer.  Once hired, it would depend on the departmental policies.  If they permit you to carry off-duty you should be okay.

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