
Does liberals put down conservatives becase were more sucessfull?

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im a conservative body builder and i have my own busness! theres a liberal 711 casher that puts me down. is she jealous? is she hatin? is she drinking the coolaid?




  1. Liberals put down conservatives because we're more independent. We refuse be part of the collective.

  2. Right, I'm actually guessing that you're a douchebag.  You have to be greatly mistaken if you think that I, or any other human being, are in some form jealous of you.  You can't even use proper spelling or grammar.  I don't mean to sound picky, but I doubt you could hold a candle to most liberals that I know.

  3. Success to a Liberal is considered cheating.

  4. We don't want a hand out. Educated with common sense and book smarts some people are not fortunate enough to have both .  

  5. ahaha, you hit the nail on the head.

    she's jealous and spiteful of you because you actually worked hard for what you do when she just settled for the scum job as a cashier at  7-11.

  6. I think it's because of your atrocious spelling.

  7. LOL! There's your run of the mill conservative.. ;)

  8. Nope, it's the creative spelling. I'd be curious to know what kind of business you own, but I'm afraid that if I asked, you would attempt to tell me.

  9. You know it dude.  They is just the most hatin and the most jealous.

    Watch out for those bulldykes!

  10. ..."Liberals put down conservatives because" most conservatives are "hypocrites"!

  11. Yep and more manly. Forget about that d**e

  12. You can debate this forever. I have examined why I am a conservative, even tried hard to understand the left wing. Can"t help it, I don't understand. I guess it comes down to what you want to see out your window, what you want to see. I want to see America and all the Good she stands for.

  13. Liberals like all members of the Left believe that they know what is best for everyone and cannot stand for anyone to question them.  The Communist made it illegal.

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