
Does life ever seem like an illusion to you?

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why do i feel like this sometimes? i feel like it is an illusion and i can't quite learn how to manipulate it.




  1. Yes, I often get the feeling that I'm detached from life, that I'm not really in it. It's wierd, but somehow soothing. It's interesting to get a new perspective.

  2. sometimes i feel like life is just a dream that i'm having. or sometimes everything that exists is fake because im dreaming it, nothing is actually happening. iono its weird but i wonder about it

  3. More like recurring nightmares -- every time when I have bills to pay and they seem to coming after me more and more.  Help! :)

    It is one bad dream I keep failing to wake up from...

  4. Some good authors on the general topic:

    "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet.

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves.

    "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda.

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi. and

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

  5. the only way to manipulate reality is with psychoactive drugs

    this is not a suggestion

  6. yea.. sometimes when some things happen.. i would think.. maybe i would suddenly wake up as another person or another form. and my whole life was just a dream, illusion.

  7. yes, but when I stub my toe it really hurts. To me that snaps me back in reality.

    Another proof of reality is that 99% of people agree that a rose is a rose. and in other lauguages it is still a rose.

    If every person called a rose something different, then I would wonder if we are all just a creation of our brain chemistry.


    Over analysis can cause Paralysis.

  8. Not really, but anything is a possibility for you.

  9. This actually happened to me about 20 minutes ago, and happens quite often.

    It's an odd experience (if we're talking about the same thing) where things just seem surreal and 'not quite right'

    Look at these links, and see what it says, if it happens often enough you should actually see a doctor about it. If it's a reasonably infrequent occurrance just use it as a tool to expand the way you think and interact with the world and things within it.

  10. You feel that way because... it's all perception. Change your perception, change your life.

    You must be very sensitive/perceptive. Most people don't notice that feeling.

  11. This is sometimes like a reality, if it is not an illusion

  12. Life is illusion.  To manipulate it you have to detach yourself from it while being attached.  Accept that it is temporary, and that you purpose is to evolve in to a higher state of consciousness.

  13. don't open that door!

    there be demons down there.

    unless you get a teacher to show you

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