
Does life owe you something ?

by Guest10911  |  earlier

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  1. Hmmm ... I am, no greater or better than any other, and unworthy of damnation or laud. Is that fair JL. I do not seek to be beholden or be driven to ingratiation. Does God, Life, the world owe me, have I give in thousand fold and always loathe to receive. Is it right to bleed the generous to feed the insatiable hole of eveil. Is this why he drives me to ruin, the bastardised ‘You don’t ask you don’t get, Sod ?’’

    Would I rather not die, in abject grief stricken poverty than be forced to yield to the barbaric monstrous rodent that is he who holds my soul captive. Does life owe me? Is there something remiss in my giving, suffering, condoning, bereft in my understanding, my need to be free of malevolent and oppressive forces, does one not cite reason, sin on condemnation of another to a living h**l, what is my sin, ... ? How to silence demons, simply ask that deep and significant question, Why ... ?

  2. Life does not owe me anything. I have taken what I need from Life. If I ever take too much, then Life has a way of balancing the books.

  3. cannot be ever.

    life is always the upper hand.



  4. Yes. Life owe me a true love :(

  5. What type of question is that?  What could life, a non-entity, an abstract, owe or even give to you?  Do you expect anyone to say "Dammit, that new should have been mine.  Life cheated me."  or "It's life's fault my wife left me and took the kids."  I think it's a ridiculous question in the first place.

    I think someone should read more Ayn Rand.  If I am ever rich or even well-off, I will buy thousands of copies of Atlas Shrugged to give to bums who ask me for money on the street and I suggest anyone out there do the same.

  6. I think life owes me nothing other than experience, which in any case it never fails to deliver. It is my fault if I judge the delivered experience as unwarranted or unwanted...... wisdom proves that every experience adds to my value.

  7. no, I owe the world a living ,the world does not owe me a living.

    I am entitled to nothing, no one is accountable or responsible for my life,except me

  8. Nope. i am the creator of this life ! i chose it. there for i have to deal with my decisions.

  9. no.

  10. Sadly no. You owe it something....Then one day you figure out that it's not life you owe but your self

  11. Forgive your debt and debtors and enjoy what life is all about.

    Life as a mirror , reflects back to you your belief of yourself...

  12. haha....comes out to survive and earn, one fine day, all things we earn, we have to eventually returned. my best indian friends told me last time.

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