
Does lifting weights too much make you run slower because of gaining muscle weight?

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Does lifting weights too much make you run slower because of gaining muscle weight?




  1. My non-expert opinion would be that weight lifting for muscle development would make you a little faster then if taken to extremes there would be a point where you would become "muscle bound."  Which results in a loss of flexibility needed for best speed results.  You may be too young to remember Herschel Walker one the the best college runners of all time.  He was fast and powerful.  If my memory serves me correctly he used weights as part of his intense workout.  Maybe more impressive is that Jim Brown, the greatest runner of all time by ability and most yards per carry, for the stats people, was a weight at Syracuse U.  But, I just know in my gut that you will reduce your speed if you become a block of muscle.  Talk to a sports trainer for the best answer.

  2. yeahh you should lift weights but light weights you only need the muscle for endurance and strenth

  3. It can slow you down, which is why you need to tone the muscle rather than build it. you can do sprint training which are simple exercises to combat that if you really want to 'bulk up' and even if you dont they are good for improving your time.

    alot of it consists of short sprints, jogging, walking

    look up fartlek running if you want to find out more

  4. Yes. The best way to aviod gaining too much muscle is to stick with a challanging running routine while you lift weights.

  5. Too much, maybe. The stronger your legs, the faster you can run. I have a huge guy in my class who has strong legs and he can outsprint the best small skinny runner

  6. Depends on how you are doing it.  Bodybuilders use high weights with lots of repetitions which build muscle mass and slow twitch muscles.  Power lifters, like those at the Olympics, are gaining mass, but are training their fast twitch muscles and are surprising fast.  If you are looking for speed, do lower higher weight and lower reps for power movements i.e. snatches, cleans, etc. For strength, no more than 8-10 reps per set.  You should spread out light, medium and heavy days too so that you are getting the proper rest!

    Good Luck!

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