
Does lint from the dryer has any other alternative uses?

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i was wondering since throwing away lint after taking it out of the dryer, and since theres all this talk about "going Green" i was wondering if lint can be used in any other way instead of just nothing at all




  1. mix it with melted wax, you'll have a rain proof fire starter

  2. Oh  Dear One

    there is a list of many items

    just maybe if you matted it all together

    then tryed it spin it

    you might get yarn...............

    love new ideas !!!!

  3. You can use it as fire starter. Other than that, I don't know of any good uses. Removing the lint from the trap is about the greenest thing you can do with the lint. It will increase your dyer's efficiency and remove a fire hazard.

  4. Well you already recieved the fire starter answers.  There's just about nothing that beats lint as a fire starter.

    It can be put out for birds in early spring, to line their nests with.  However it is possible this is not a good idea.  Wet a handful of lint some time, and watch how it clumps in your hand.  Now imagine a baby bird trying to stay warm in that mess after it's nest got rained on.  I prefer to put out fleece and hair from my livestock...that really IS good for baby birds and nests.

    People do a number of craft things with lint.  From mixing it with plasters, to mixing it with paper pulp.  It's often used to make some really gorgeous, but light weight masks (costume).  

    Some people use dryer lint as mulch in their gardens.  I personally do not like this...the synthetic fibers never rot.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  5. starting camp fires

  6. If you had an old inner pillow casing you could wash and re-stuff it with the lint and make a soft pillow. I have some old cases in which the foam is falling apart. Who knows maybe I'll try it.

  7. our Scouting group uses it for fire starters either place in the    35mm film canisters to keep dry or in a Zip-lock baggy.We also mix it with wood chips ,lint, paraffin wax,get the paper egg carton place half full of lint and wood chips mix them up a little and place in egg cup then pour melted wax into each filled egg cup let cool separate each  cup and you have instant fire starter material and can be stored anywhere.

  8. put it in empty tuna can put it in there and get this waxy thing and it can start a get campfire

  9. Yeah you need to get a paper box and put all the lint in there.  Let it build up over a few weeks and then when it is full take it into the garden.  Invite some people over and stand in a circle around it and chant " YA YA YA" then all drop to the floor.  The lint monster will then step out of the paper box and then be just plain annoying.  So you could do that but it's so much easier to just bin in...


  10. I've heard that you can stuff the lint in used toilet paper tubes or paper towel tubes and save them for kindling for your fireplace.  Even if you don't have a fireplace you can make a bunch and offer them to someone you know that has a fireplace.  Also you could use them for stuffing in crafts, if you're not into crafts save a bunch in old bread bags and take them to the nearest craft store, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

    Great Thought for recycling!

    Good Luck To You

  11. i put mine in the garden and the little birdies use it to line their nests :)

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