
Does listening to a book on CD help you remember the information better or does it actually hurt you?

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I've got to read 4 more books and do the reports in one day each, so that they could be ready for the first day of school. Please, I need to know.




  1. this is a good question!

    i always listen to a recorded book when i'm cleaning my apartment.  it's a great distraction from cleaning (which is so boring).  some books have really stayed with me this way but others have been forgotten.  i think it depends on the book, really.  you will remember a good book & forget a bad book no matter whether you read it or hear it.

    if you are a slow reader, listening might be quicker for you.  just be sure to concentrate & make notes as you go.  i find if i try to listen to a book without doing anything (like cleaning), i tend to fall asleep.  so maybe if you keep busy while listening - go for a walk, clean your room, walk the dog.

    make sure you don't have an abridged version of the book if you get it on cd - get the complete version.  it might also be a good idea to get a copy of the book if you listen to review the book after you hear it.  i think it's easier to page thru a volume to review for a test than to try to "skip" thru a recorded version.

  2. We are sensory beings. Therefore we remember things we see, hear, touch and taste much easier because our minds associate the object with something physical. For example: If you listen to the book you will associate the story with the voice reading it.

    This is just my personal opinion. when I study for exams I always read the work out loud - I always remember it better.

    Hope this helps . . .  

  3. I once heard that you remember 20% of what you hear and 80% of what you read. I don't think it's true if that is any comfort. If all you need to do is write a book report I think listening might be better since audio books are shorter and you have less time. Just write them right after you finish listening to it rather than write them after you listen to all four. Good luck!

  4. It hurts you,

    1. It's easy to zone out and not pay attention as opposed to with a book where you must pay attention to keep reading.

    2.  Most books on tape aren't the entire book, there isn't room to read the whole thing so like reader's digest, they condense the books.

  5. i like to listen to books. i tried to read the harry potter series. it made more sense to me to listen and i retained information in the books better. the man who read them was fantastic. with the book on cd you can always go back and listen again and again if you have to.

  6. if i was doing it, i would listen to a CD and also get a book so i can read as well. i find that when i listen to a CD i tend to get distracted a lot. or maybe its just cuz i have a short attention span...  

  7. well for me id get the cd and listen to it while reading along in the book that way ur hearing the words as u read them so u retain the information in 2 ways with ur eyes and ears and then it might also help to listen to the cd again as u do the book report as it will bring bck the story as ur tryin to think wat to write abouit  

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