
Does literature influence society or society influence literature?

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  1. Society influences literature b/c all writers are influenced by the society they live in. You can tell by the language they use and the way they tell their stories, and even the types of things they write about.

  2. I say society influences literature. Many authors draw from their life experiences to write captivating books full of memorable characters. They also use true historical events to provide a backdrop to a story or to provide the emphasis to the story itself.

    There are those rare instances where the reverse happens. Shakespeare's plays have influenced society, for we teach his works to kids hundreds of years after he wrote them. Dr. Seuss is critical in the development of a child, and there are others, but I didn't have my Wheaties this morning, so none are coming to mind right at this moment.

    It can go both ways, but for the most part I believe society is the guiding influence in literature.

  3. its probably both, but more the latter than the former. In the case of the former, you need to have the rare work that is special enough that it reaches a wide audience or reaches and audience that is capable of mainstreaming its appeal or message. These works are probably relatively uncommon. Now literature can influence society in that it can add to the person which participates in society, but again this is likely a relatively drop in the bucket type of change.

    The latter would seem to be proven true throughout history. As societies change, the things that are important, and hence the things that are written about seem to change as well. While some themes probably are more universal, the methods and styles in literature and the particular themes expressed are probably more time specific.

  4. and it can't go both ways why?

    what you chose to read is influenced by what you've read.

  5. well,to be frank they are both inter-related......each are influenced by one another......but do know that a piece of literature is formed from society itself.....the surroundings is what inspiring the poet or writer to even write something in the first place......then,we see that society act as an influence to literature.....besides,we commonly read of poems or novels that take the settings of early societies namely the medieval age or even the the Dark Age era in Europe.......its just it.....literature influence society only when it is read by people after they are finished written.....their ideas and messages embedded in the literatury beauty is what influencing society.....the moral values contained in a poem for example teaches one to be more careful & practise a more ethical kind of life......i leave the rest to you.....

  6. Both.  No explanation needed.

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