
Does littering impact Global Warming? If so how?

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Does littering impact Global Warming? If so how?




  1. Not really.   It's just a disgusting habit that other people have to look at and towns need to use your tax dollars to pay someone to pick it up.

  2. littering is antisocial

    do you have garbage in your living room .

    it also blocks water courses and organic wastes  get piled up, decompose and produce toxins ,

    Not to speak of the mosquito breeding places in plastic bottles.

    and to clean up costs local governments a lot of money which goes into the taxes.

    And who want their kids to play in places full of trash that encourage the development of diseases.

    So dont litter

  3. Definately so we have to save or recycle things such as papers, bottles,plastics other stuffs in order to recycled and used it again.Even by recycle things it will help the global warming minimized and we have to do something to our children future generation.They have the right to live in an atmosphere clean air and space in this world.

  4. Much of the litter can be recycled. Recycling recovers raw materials at a lower overall emission of C02, a greenhouse gas.

    Seattle has one of the best recycle program in the country and does not allow sale of styrofoam cups and other products.

  5. no, littering nakes your neighborhood look like c**p, that is all.

    wake up sheep.  global warming is a farce.

  6. after a while they will decay, which will gve of gases to the air

  7. Decomposition of litter and waste will release Carbon dioxide and methane. So this will coz a large release of greenhouse gases into the air if rubbish is piled up like mountain.

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