
Does living in a home built before 1989, due to the application of chlordane, cause brain damage?

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A study by Dr. Kaye Kilburn, in particular, revealed a battery of cognitive deficits and emotional abnormalities in people that lived in homes and apartment complexes treated decades previously with the chemical.

Does this mean that people living in old houses are brain damaged? Should I avoid stepping food in an old house at all costs, since chlordane bioaccumulates in the body, and therefore every little breath counts towards destroying your health?




  1. There are lots  and lots of chemicals in houses that are toxic, this is not the only chemical and it won't be the last.  Insulation (the pink stuff) contains formaldehyde and this is known to cause cancer, and how many homes have this?  Tons of them.  There is more cancer and other disease than ever before.  That's progress.

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