
Does losing an hour this morning effect anything in the paranormal world?

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I keep thinking that SOMETHING has got to be effected by it...more than people being late for church and work etc. What's a time warp? Could someone ..or something...get stuck inside that lost hour? (I realize this is a silly question. I just think that lost hour should be "honored" in some way.)




  1. There's something Lobsang Rampa called the Akashic Records, where the past, present & future are all as one. They stretch out like a reel of film where everything is happening simultaneously right NOW. There is no concept of time, which is man made anyway.I don't know if losing an hour would affect the paranormal, but it sure would affect me>>grin. EDIT TO ADD...yes that's what time travel is possibly about, I guess. There IS no time, just travel from one place to another. We do it too.. everytime we have a precognitive dream . I dreamt i was flying high above blue oceans. Exactly 3 weeks later, my honey had work at this island that could only be reached by chopper,and we decided to take a mini holiday as it was a lovely place. Once that chopper flew above the Arabian sea , I understood that this is exactly what I had seen, down to the part where I'm flying above the ocean.

  2. There is no such thing as "the paranormal world".

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