
Does love inspire virtue?

by  |  earlier

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well?? longest answer wins haha don't just answer yes or no




  1. No, virtue is what taught, with or without love. Therefore love doesn't affect virtue.

    Virtue is obtained through discipline teachings. You will be positive in what you have learned so virtue is reached.

    and to make it long gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...

    joking sorry =\

  2. Mostly yep but there is a chance that it will inspire something that is nothing like virtue.

    LOVE is different for all of us and if the person we love is a good person with morals, etc., we may get inspired to be better for them for us to deserve their love.


    If the person is a 'cool' bad influence and yet you love him/her then you might emulate their qualities.


    For me, it would probably inspire virtue in me because in my mind, I feel that love must be pure or something.

    Good luck!

  3. True love is a virtue.......the problem is that most of us don't even know what love is......we believe that our need to spend our lives with somebody else is love.......we believe that our lustful animal instinct for s*x is love......we believe that the obligation we feel toward our parents and relatives is love...............true love is the love you feel for yourself when you see the universe, its creator and creations, reflected in your soul.

  4. can you be more specific?

    Well...for me it's never black or white.

    There are different forms of love.

    Different degrees & variations of love.

    Love of what.

    The way I look at things it depends on circumstance.

    So my answer is YesNo.

    and If Love doesn't then the higher power does.

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