
Does love really exist?

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Does love really exist?




  1. Yes, if you can't find it, create it yourself.  You go and give out unconditional love either to a person, a pet, an object, a hobby or God.


  3. Yes, but it is different for everyone.

  4. oh yeah it is love humiliates hatred crattles you . and sadness makes you depressed.

  5. Depends on the environment.

  6. Love is care, safety, and kindness. Love is an emotion to show how much you care for another being. Love doesn't have to exsis. You can deny it all you want. Some people thing Love is a scam. It will just break your heart and leave you all alone. But some take those risks, all those bad things that may happen to you, and face them. Some believe in Love and the greatness it will make them feel.

    So your answer? Love only exsists- if you Believe in it.

  7. What is love-"five feet of heaven in a ponytail".

  8. is a word that we attach to how we feel to someone or something or a situation. We've all had that overwhelming in-depth feeling that is unexplainable to which we attach the word 'love' to. Therefore it is just a word. It exists if you feel it.

    And it is obvious to me that the negative responses given about love are from those who've experienced it, but have been left heart broken or felt 'deceived' by it, and therefore do not believe.

    'Belief is in the eye of the beholder'

    All the best!

  9. True!!!


  10. i believe so .... O_o

  11. I would have to disagree. Love does not exist. Love is a something that we are tought our whole lives to try to achieve or obtain. Ironically, people find themselves experiencing heart ache on the journey to find it. I honestly feel tha "love" did once exist but not in this generation because the times have changed and therefore the TRU meaning of love has been devalued. People say that "if he cheats on u and u love him you'll undertsand n forgive and take him bak blah blah blah" but if he really LOVED me he would REPSECT me 1st and not cheat, or anything of that nature. I realized that in most relationships , the bad out weighs the good and if "love" means getting ur heart broken , shedding tears, playing dumb, and other dehumanizing circumstances, than love does not really exist, or love is not all that it's cracked up to be.

  12. If you think about the real meaning of blindness, You'll find that it is not the eyes that get blind, it is the heart.

    If you are blind at the level of the heart then, and only then, you will not see love. Other wise it is all around you.

  13. i think it does for everyone..but that doesn't mean you'll find it =/

  14. I was never sure about that until I had a baby.  Love exists.  It really does.

  15. Yes.  If it didn't, I doubt we would talk about "following our hearts" instead of our heads.

    But unfortunately, it doesn't exist everywhere.

  16. "God is love and love is real."

    Love exists :)

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