
Does love use people?

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Does love use people?




  1. Not if it is true love. I feel love is a discipline. One has to learn to "love right".  

  2. Love can be used to abuse people

    However everything happens for a reason and maybe it is to teach the other person a lesson in life

    Love & Blessings


  3. No, people use people.

  4. I think love can hold great power, including power of people. You'll put up with things you never thought you would because you love someone. The only question is how much your willing to put up with it until you realize it's too much and have to leave the person to save your sanity.  

  5. I'm going to assume we all share the same reference and understanding of the meaning of the word "love." (however clumsy this assumption may be, everyone else here seems to presuppose a common meaning thereof).

    Love is necessarily exploitative (i.e., "uses") and is necessarily exploitated. That is: love is the mutual exploitation of two persons--in a relationship--qualities, which are deliberately overrated ad absurdum, then obsessively used to mask each others insecurity and loneliness.

    Example: Male A meets girl B (who, objectively has the same qualities and similar physical appearence as many million more females C, D, E, etc). Male A deliberately overrates the value of the qualities of Female B (i.e., Female B is now subjectively greater than all the other females--and is the "most beautiful", etc.), and obsessively uses this self-proclaimed, subjective "greatness" of the female to feel that this "most greatest female in the whole wide world" favors this mere mortal Male A (therefore making Male A feel somewhat special in the mundane, bland, drudgery that is his everyday life). The female, even more insecure and obsessive than the Male, makes use of the same, obsessive, self-reciprocation.

    The truth of this is evident in the need of a girl (in a relationship) to be reminded, incessantly, that she is yet pretty and that her "beauty" has not diminished since the last time she asked the question, "Am I pretty?", (about 5 minutes ago, to be exact).

    In short, YES, Love uses the S**t out of people. But this is not a negative aspect of life. It allows two lonely people lost in an uncaring world to a feeling that, just maybe, life (our life) is more valuable than it has hitherto appeared.

  6. True love..........never uses anyone.

  7. Love is an emotion and, like thoughts, emotions come and go with no permanence.

    The ideal of love is pure however, people may not be as pure as an ideal.

    Perhaps people use love...

    Be well and be wise.

  8. No. Love is the greatest good, the ultimate value, and the highest truth.

    People mistake personal attachment for love. Relationships can harm people, but real love heals.

    There is a sense in which love uses people - it uses people to make more people.
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