
Does love with a friend ever work ?

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i have a Friend that i have know en for years and i care about a lot i have recently had my heartbroken and she has helped me a lot but then i told her that i was falling for her and she hasn't been the same with me since should i try and have her love me or just be friends all i want is her happy




  1. jheez thats happened to me recently too i told my friend that i really liked him but he said he didnt want to ruin the freindship so i just forgot about him wow mabey you shud just let her think about the idea of you two going out and if she likes it ta da :)

  2. Don't try to make her love you.  It will only annoy her and push her away if you try.  Just accept that she is not interested.

    I have had several guy friends who had feelings for me when I didn't feel the same way.  In most of the cases, my feelings for the guy never changed.  One of them is now my husband so obviously my feelings for him did change.  But they only changed when he accepted that he liked me as just a friend. I know that if I had felt like he was trying to push for something more, it would have only frustrated me, and I probably would never have ended up falling for him.

  3. Well im currently goin out with my best friend... We've been together 8 months and are still happy and goin strong :)

  4. Watch friends!! Ross & Rachel go through that and so do Monaca & Chandler.

    But in my opinion love always works if it goes both ways so if she likes you a little bit more than a friend then go for it !!!

    answer mine? :]

  5. Well,

    It does work, but two people have to work at the relationship. If one doesn't love the other, than you have no relationship.

    I just recently told the guy I liked him for 3 years to his face, and he didn't accept me, and he didn't reject me. He gave me his phone # and told me to call him anytime I felt like it.

    But he's working at building a relationship with me, and it doesn't come natural, it's a lot of work.

    But yes, if she told you she doesn't feel the same, then try to move on, I'm kinda stuck with this guy, cause he won't tell me cause he has a girlfriend, but yeah.

    Try to move on, I know it's going to be hard, but everyone falls in love with the wrong people sometimes.

    And ask her what would make her happy, she might just tell you.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    Your friend,


  6. well well uh mm maybe this is too sudden that she don't know what to do so she's acting this way but still try to give her some time and really ask her if she feel the same way as you feel for her..if she says yes that's good but if she say she doesn't then don't force her to love you because forced relationship never have a happy just be friends with her..but first of all just wait and then ask only. have patient.

  7. in your case, just let it be. it seems like she wants you only as a friend. don't pressure her to love you back. if in the future, she'll feel the way you do now for her, tehn good for you both.

  8. I did the exact same thing just a few days ago. This last year's been h**l, mostly because my best friend (girl) told me that she didn't like me and never would. I got help through another friend of mine, and after a while we got closer. Recently, i told her that i couldn't have gotten through without her, and that i was starting to fall for her too. She didn't take it that well either.

    In this case, I think that you should at least try to talk to her about it before it gets too out of control. She's also the one that helped you with the last heartbreak right? She'll understand what you're trying to say, you just have to actually say it. The problem might be more with her not wanting to hurt your feelings or with her confused about her own feelings. It doesn't make that much of a difference, becasue unless you talk about it, she's gonna end up drifting and you won't even have that friend thing anymore. So do yourself a favor and go talk to her about how you feel about her. That's about the only thing you can do (other than trying to forget about her entiurely). Good luck, my friend.

  9. Yes be just friends so that your friend realizes that it was just overreaction on your part  for wanting  it to be more, if they are happy with that.

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