
Does loving need a reason ?

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Does loving need a reason ?




  1. Love doesn't need a reason because love has a reason. You just have to figure it out. Love is a connection you can share with someone or something. The cause for why you feel connected to a person or thing is called the reason. So if love exists, then the reason does too.

  2. Nope, not anymore then happiness, sadness or anger does.

  3. nope..nothing needs a reason except death

  4. I would say so. If I ask you, "Why do you love this person" and you can't come up with an answer, there's a problem!

  5. no

  6. maybe Yes, maybe No... but all i knew was.. i am sad n vexed when the want i love are unhappy... i am happy when they are happy.. when you truly love someone, you will feel it :)

  7. I don't think so. It just happens

  8. Does it need a reason, or any definition of its cause, is it just a mysterious brush felt to the soul that words cannot label for it's not present to our eyes, but our deep unconscious,which brings it forth?

    " Sometimes the best and the most beautiful

    things in the world cannot be seen, cannot be touched, but can be

    felt in the heart

    when a heart is true there's no need for words cause even in silence love can be heard... destiny determines who comes into our lives...but it's the heart that decides who stays inside...

  9. can love anyone in many different ways. sometimes love will grow on you and then you can see reasoning behind it. but sometimes it just springs on you and there you are in really is a beautiful love and be loved.

  10. No you can love someone for who they are regardless of s*x, nationality, gender or age.

    Love has no reason it just happens, sometimes in the strangest of ways.

  11. Depends on your soul mates.

  12. nope. needs feeling.

  13. It's weird how easy it is to fall in love. Some people we admire. Some we fear. Sometimes we hate. Sometimes we love and we really can't explain why. It's called being human.

  14. no. sometimes you love someone and just don't know or understand why. besides, think of people who are mean to their partners, yet, the partner still loves them for whatever reason.  

  15. It`s free ;)

    Yes it`s need a Reason ...

    if you alive u must to love ppl other wish u r not a person !!!

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