
Does making one mistake make us a failure?

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On your own opinion, give a true, honest answer. id really like to know




  1. Not at all, just read up on the great people of our time or the past.  All of them failed many times before suceeding.  Like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, etc.

    It is interesting though, in the workplace in particular, the way you can fall out of favour with people after only one incident.  All the brilliant stuff you've done before the incident, even if that was for many years, can be quickly forgotten.  Which is completely ignorant & unfair.

  2. Since there's never been any human EVER who didn't make more than one mistake in their entire lives, well, YOU make the inference.

  3. you can never be considered a failure. chew on that.

  4. it depends on what the mistake is...if you murder someone, then yes, your a failure.

  5. It depend's on the mistake made.Take marriage for example,i'm  a single female,one of many qualities that i look for in a man is that he hasnt gotten a divorce,because that show's to me that he doesnt have what it takes to MAKE a marriage work,he's a quitter and a loser as far as i'm concerned,and probably doesnt have the metal and emotional maturity either.Divorced people are failures in my eyes.There are other area's i could comment on but dont want to spend all that time,not enough room.

  6. Absolutely NOT! Failure is the process of success. Seriously - if you never have failed you can never succeed. All great inventors, philosophers, and leaders have failed in order to discover their highest of accomplishments. There are millions of books on this....

  7. It makes you human.

    The trick is learning and growing from the mistakes that we make. This makes us stronger and better able to handle other obstacles that we encounter as we travel the path of life.

    Don't dwell on the mistakes you make either. Living in the past and re-hashing the mistakes just makes you and everyone around you miserable.

  8. If that were true, the world would be nothing but a cemetery of failed lives.  Heck no, mistakes make you wiser.  If you've only made one,  you better get busy and catch us with the rest of us.

  9. If the mistake costs you your life I suppose it does.

  10. No it should be a learning experience though.

    However there are some individuals that will always remember that mistake and bring it up every chance they get

    regardless of the successes you attain.

    That's just a false sense of power on their part. Don't listen to them.

    Just learn, adjust and adapt.

  11. HECK NO!!!  If you make a mistake and LEARN FROM IT, then you are in no way a failure.  People have to make mistakes to learn, if you don't make mistakes, then you haven't actually lived!!

  12. "you will learn more from your mistakes than from your successes" - some famous guy

  13. Well, it depends.  After you fail (or mess up) at something, you have two options.  You can let that failure define you, or you can reassert your identity.

    So, for example, if you scored really low on an exam, you could either say "well, clearly I suck and should just not even bother with school" or you could reassert your student identity and say "My score sucked, but I'm going to work really hard to see that it doesn't happen again."

    Success is measured not measured by having NOT failed, but rather by having eventually succeeded.

  14. one mistake does not make a failure, but a failure could be caused by one mistake.

    We're all humans, we all make mistakes constantly. What makes us a failure or not, in my opinion, is how we recover and address those mistakes that we make and how we learn and progress from them.

  15. edison made thousands and he is/was a great inventor...........

    In relationships it can be a deal breaker, but not in most other things.we all just plug along.............

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