
Does man think that he is to be left alone without purpose?

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Does man think that he is to be left alone without purpose?




  1. We're the vice regents of Allah and therefore there is purpose to all our lives.  

  2. Why should ever man think like that?

    A man must always keep in mind that A man-kind is the Supreme why not try to find the purpose?

  3. Some do. Some don't.

  4. Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled, without purpose? Was he not a drop of sperm emitted in lowly form? Then he became a leech-like clot; then Allah made and fashioned him in due proportion. And of him He made two sexes, male and female. Has not He the same power to give life to the dead? (Qur'an 75: 36-40)

  5. Does man think that all men are the same?

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