
Does mankind have to set foot in every galaxy of the universe?

by  |  earlier

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do we really have to? for what purpose, i ask?




  1. It might be that some race will become paramount in this universe. It might as well be us. Paramount races get first and largest shares of available resources, so there are real, material advantages to being at the top.  

  2. >Does mankind have to set foot in every galaxy of the universe?

    What do you mean by 'have to'? I don't think there's any definite moral obligation for us to do so, nor is there any cosmic destiny that says we will someday. It's entirely up to us whether we do it or not.

    That said, it would of course be an incredible achievement to do it. The quest for knowledge is a pretty basic part of people's psychological nature, as well as being a perfectly logical goal, and there is no reason why that ambition should not drive us to continue exploring the universe around us just as it has driven us to explore the Earth and then the Solar System.

    >for what purpose, i ask?

    For multiple purposes. First, exploring every corner of the Universe would allow us to increase our knowledge about it and allowus to accomplish more things with that knowledge. Second, making colonies across the vast reaches of space would improve the chances of our civilization surviving by increasing the area that a disaster would have to affect in order to kill us all. Both of these are good reasons to do it.

  3. We don't have to .. but exploration of the universe would be great .

       Man is by nature curious ... The question is will we ever be able to do it?

  4. well, lets see....  the furherest galaxy seems to be about 15 billion light years distance and moving away from US, i doubt if we will make it before all the lights go out.  we may get to all the yet to be discovered systems out there in the miky way, but that will take about 3  million of our years.  that is considering the possibility of over coming the light speed issue.  do we have to?  yeah, just for the curiosity of it all and its a good way to spend tax dollars.  remember, even though a lot of money has been spent on space programs, there is not much loose change on the moon.  it all stayed on earth to pay salarys, research and basic discoveries.

  5. 1.  Room to grow.  

    2.  Resources.

    3.  Knowledge.

    4.  Spread us out in case a disaster affects one part of the universe and wipes out everyone in the area.

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