
Does mankind need community?

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Does mankind need community?




  1. It is essential for the survival of the species.  People are physically weak from the moment they are born and rely on others to live day to day.  Babies of most species are fairly capable of being self-sufficient only moments after birth.  Human infants have large heads, weak necks, and are essentially helpless for the first few years of life.  This basic need to have another take care of you from day one defines us as a species.  We are programmed to be able to form familial bonds so that babies are cared for and the species can propigate.  Of course, it's not impossible to lead a solitary existance but is biologically unsound.

  2. ¥ÞÐ þ∑Ω Ø æ‰  ÃƒÂƒÃ‚ŽÃ¢ÂˆÂ†Ã‚© ®^!!!!! OK!!!!1

  3. How do you think that mankind would fare without 'community'?


  4. At the beginnings of hominid development (over 3 million years ago), Neanderthal hunter-gatherers traveled in migrant communities, hunted together, and, while nomadic, lived in close-knit society.

    Paleolithic sites in the United States also suggest that people from the Paleolithic period were living in communities.

    When Cro-Magnon developed around 35,000 years ago, they lived in communities.

    During the Neolithic period, people of the Mediterranean and the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, Ganges, Huang, Chang, and Xi river valleys lived in communities, and in many cases, created government based on it.

    The Greeks had community.

    It shows itself in every facet of history, including pre-historic times. So yes. Humans need community.

  5. Of course. We can live lonely,

    but not alone.

  6. Like or relatives, Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Bonobos we are a group animal it is in our physiology we need other people and in return other people need us it has been proved that if you do not have any social interactions you will go insane so as a round up Summery yes we do need communities.

  7. The only alternative to that is solitude, and as a species the majority of us would get lonely.

    Humans are closely related to the chimpanzee who also live in large communities, and rarely go outside these communities to live in isolation.

    Communities provide us with the essence of life.

  8. Of course. We are inveterately gregarious (eh? not bad for a wet thursday night)

  9. Just as much as we need air, water, earth, heat, shelter, food, clothing.

    Yes I would say mankind needs communities.

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