
Does marijuana have tar?

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Is there tar in marijuana




  1. yes unfortunatly marijuanna does have tar. anything you smoke has tar in it. But the Berkeley carcinogenic tar studies of the late 1970's concluded that "marijuana is one-and-a-half times as carcinogenic as tobacco." or it contains 33% the amount of tar as tabacoo has in it. This is only a test of the bud not the leaf but who the h**l smokes the leaf. this was also tested without the intervention of a bong. Also because of the psychoactive affects of cannabis (weed) you dont smoke as much. There has also been no document cases of lung cancer being directly linked to oral inhilation of cannabis. (keep in mind all these test were done in the late 70's).  Bottom line Maijuana is good for the soul, and not near as bad for you as, say, smoking cigarettes. So smoke pot, and dont drive! Also the site with .edu is the acually valid, so if you want only information that has been completely validated go to that.

  2. Have you ever cleaned out a marijuana pipe?

    have you ever seen a roach that did not have a black ring at the fire line when it went out?

    Of course it has tar.

    Resin is the sticky stuff that carries the message in pot.  When it burns it gives off a tarry smoke that clogs your breathing sacs much faster than cigarettes do.

    Hash makes you choke because the tar is concentrated in hash.  Ever wonder why it is so gummy?  Duh?

    Want tar?  Try some opium; now there is some tar!

    Haven't you ever heard the phrase; "If it tastes good and gets you high, you know it can't be good for you!

  3. hhhhhhhhhhhhh

  4. No, not that I'm aware of.  But unless you have a medical reason to be smoking it (terminal disease, glaucoma), it's not good for you either.

    Additional info...

    THC affects the brain.  Things that affect the brain don't go away easily, nor are they ever good for you.

    I've read a study where mice given a single low dose of THC did consistently poorer than their non-injected brethren in maze tests... for three weeks after that single injection.

  5. Yes.  a lot from my recollection of the 70s.  we just called it "resin".  Even seen a used bong or water pipe and all that brown-black **** that accumulates?  Gotta ream a regular pipe every so often because it blocks up.  What do YOU think all that is?  

    Brown and black sticky **** = tars.  Not the precise same tars as from cigarettes, but a general blend of unburned long-chain hydrocarbons that isn't all that dissimilar in general terms.

    edit: the four stars is only the word goo with a K at the end.

  6. Lol! of course not! only cigarretes

  7. No,  I don'tt hink marijuana has tar.

    Cigarettes do, but it doesn't mean marijuana is necessarily healthy, aside from having medicinal healing properties ^_<

  8. NOOO.

    It's all natural. And good. Very good. Much better then cigarettes. Way better for you too! =]

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