
Does masturbating get rid of testosterone?

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I know testosterone is produced in the testicles so I was wondering if masturbating a lot (2-3 times a day) get rid of the testosterone in your body quickly, or if it has nothing to do with it.




  1. Your body is always making testosterone and masturbating helps release it, but it does not get "rid" of it.

  2. Temporally

  3. It realeases some when you have a buildup, but it is temporary.

  4. Yes, masturbating does decrease your testosterone level temporarily until your body is able to produce more and masturbating 2-3 times a day will bring it down more, but don't worry, for your body is always producing it. Hope this helps.

  5. I believe masturbating help relieve testosterone, but then it makes your body produce more testosterone.  

  6. It is a way to relieve a build up of testosterone!


  7. yes but not for real long

  8. A man can refill his s***n in a matter of 30 minutes.

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