
Does masturbation for a male effect him at all?

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i know that masturbation of a male can prevent cancer if done 5x a week..

but does it do anything else to your body..?

and also some people say it can make you cross eyed..

if you're wondering how old i am..

im 14 and im just wondering..




  1. It drains your energy in a great way.

  2. Well you have heard a false hood (lie).  Masturbating does not prevent cancer no matter how many times you do.  The only thing it does to your body is make you feel good.  It does not make you cross eyed.  Picture this in your mind, can you see all the cross eyed guys walking around.  Also if it prevented cancer it would be a healthy world we live in.  Don't believe everything you hear.

  3. nothing but make you happy

  4. yes-yes it does

    i should know that since i am one

  5. It does not make you cross eyed or anything it only makes you feel wicked good thats all................

    Shawn C.

  6. nope absolutely nothing but pleasure.

  7. Masturbation is a normal thing that people do...male and female.

    It will not prevent cancer.

    It will not make you go blind, need glasses or make you cross eyed.

    Basically, the only thing that masturbation does is help you learn about the sexual functioning of your body, and it feels good.

    At 14, it's absolutely normal for you to m********e.  If it becomes an obsessive thing you are compelled to do "all the time", then it's time to speak to a trusted adult.  Masturbation should never take the place of sports, social interaction, school work, and general family/plain old being a 14 year old active kid.

  8. It lowers the sperm count.

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