
Does maturity equal boring?

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And does immaturity equal fun?




  1. no way.

  2. No.  Maturity means that you avoid unnecessary problems.  How many "exciting" things are really problems in disguise?  The mature person avoids them, and has fun in ways that DON'T cause him/herself problems.

  3. When we were young and immature maturity seemed like some far of place that we would never reach.When we were growing up big peaple would dangle the world before use like it was some special state of being to aspire for,and we attained it doors would open for us.Maturity was the ticket driving,drinking,having a serious relationship,earning our own money,living our own and being left largely alone to be ourselves and make our own decisions.

    Now that i have been an adult for many years,I realize that the descriptions of maturity force upon me as kid were both overrated and underrated.

    As an adult I miss being carefree and irresponsible.I miss being immature and reckless and sometimes I allow myself some lattitude to be a bratty kid again whu must have instant gratification.

  4. No.  Some people mature and become boring, but that's probably just cause they're boring in the first place.  Immature people can be boring too.

  5. old age should be more fun theoretcaly

    but some people just dont squirt you know

  6. To an idiot, I would imagine so.

  7. You can be mature as far as you are a responsible employee, you pay all your bills on time, etc. But when you get with your friends, go all out and be immature. My dad is 58 and about one of the most immature people I know. But he's very mature and responsible where it counts.

    So have some immature fun. Just don't do anything illegal :)

  8. Sometimes.  (As in, sometimes it's fun to act immature every now and then, even if you're not really an immature person.)  But not all mature people are bored.  Or boring, for that matter.  There are plenty of interesting activities that aren't immature.

  9. It has been my experience that maturity equals boring only to immature people.  Mature doesn't necessarily mean dull...lots of mature people still have a lot of fun.  Most immature people I know are not only boring, they are very irritating.

  10. In my opinion you are right.

  11. Immaturity would more closely relate to youth rather than fun. The younger you are, the more immature you are relative to how mature you will be in your later years. When people "mature" they are essentially becoming less and less excited about seeing the world around them and also less and less open to different beliefs. This being said, each person will only become so mature and nothing will ever change that. Immaturity is seen as childish and naive because in many ways it is; it is highly related to being a child and later an adolescent.

    More mature people will get less excitement from doing things that more immature find amazingly exciting.

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