
Does melatonin intake increase melatonin creation by the body?

by Guest67000  |  earlier

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Does melatonin intake increase melatonin creation by the body?

Because i recently tried a melatonin pill in the morning and my eyes got that weird night feeling in my eyes which i believe is melatonin production. I've read that melatonin is produced in the GI tract, the pineal gland and the retina lens and that feeling i'm talking about is inside the eyes.




  1. furthermore theres no logical reason why it should. more likely what would happen is your body would produce less melatonin because you already have some in your system.

  2. The answer is no. What you are feeling is the melatonin that you are already taking. Eating foods high in tryptophan is what helps the body to produce its own melatonin. In reality, I don't  recommend melatonin supplementation for anyone.

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