
Does micheal vick have a chance to play again even after he files for backruptcy?

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I really would like him to come back and play i dont care about dog fighting or anything i just want to see a good player come back




  1. His bankrupcy has nothing to do with whether he will be reinstated and allowed to play upon his release.

    He's scheduled for release in May-June 2009, though still has charges to face in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    He has to apply for reinstatement to the NFL, and that's a long shot.

    The court of public opinion will not favor his return.

    Best case, he could play in 2010, or 2011 but still would have to find a team.

    Hard to say, but he will be around 31.

  2. He wasn't a good player he was overrated.

  3. There's definitely a chance, but it's likely a slim one. Once he gets out of jail, he'll have to apply for re-instatement, and if you've followed the cases of Odell Thurman, Adam "Pacman" Jones, and Chris Henry, you'd see that it's no easy feat.

    Basically, Roger Goodell has to personally decide whether he thinks you deserve to play in the NFL.

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