
Does minimum wage count here??

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I work at a summer camp and I'm 14. The older you are when you work at the camp, the more you get paid. I know minimum wage is now $7.75 an hour, but I'm only getting paid $5 an hour. Also, we're getting paid on cash. So, if your getting paid in cash, is your employer required to pay you minimum wage?





  1. Guest21353

     I am ROSE SMITH from CANADA  a single parent, before my husband died he left us with so much DEBT that we could not cope with life, I was totally confused on what to do. When I was going through the internet I came across a POST by MARCUS CAFE about how Mrs JULIA NAVARO help him to get a loan so I applied for the loan from JULIA NAVARO through her mail ( of $200,000 with a duration of 10 years. When I was applying for the loan I made a vow to GOD that if I get the loan I will let the world know what she did for me, to my greatest surprise my loan was granted with

    an interest of 2%. I was able to settle my debt and start up a new life and business with a settled family. So if you want any type of loan for as low as 2% please contact JULIA NAVARO on her mail just fulfilled my vow.

  2. There are definitely laws allowing payment of sub-minimum wage to minors.  For example, see the link here;

    about paying 85% of minimum wage to minors in California.  Camp counselors are specifically mentioned in section 4.

    However, 85% of $8.00 is not $5.00 (I'll let you do the math yourself).  While other people answering your question are advising you not to challenge your employer, I would say it is always acceptable to ask questions if you do it in a reasonable way.  How else are you going to learn?  

    Why don't you ask your supervisor or the person who pays you why it is ok for you to be paid less than minimum wage and see what they say?  You should just ask them to explain, don't challenge them or ask for more money.  If you are really upset, you can continue by asking them why it is ok for them to pay less than 85% of minimum wage, if you are in California.  If you are in another state, look up your own state law on sub-minimum wage first, so you are prepared.  

    You don't have to deal with this while you are working, but can wait to file a complaint with your state department of labor after you stop working, to collect the money owed to you under minimum wage, overtime or other labor laws.  This will eliminate the chance of being fired for rocking the boat.

    Being paid in cash does not change the minimum wage law and actually makes it look like your employer is not withholding taxes.  Even if you are exempt from income tax because of the amount you are earning, you would still have to pay social security tax...

  3. I have been in this situation - in a job that was very high in demand because of the fringe benefits. I kept my mouth shut and kept my job for as long as I wanted it.

    Once I made a mistake. I was asked to assist in the paying of weekly wages. Had to write name and amount on envelopes but I also wrote the number of hours they had worked.

    Never heard anything about it but I know if you can get something in writing with these things on it, you can prove they were paying below minimum wages.

    But truth be told, I fear that if you make waves, you will lose the job.

  4. What you and your employer are doing is actually what is known as... ILLEGAL. Your employer is supposed to be paying you $7.75 an hour and you are supposed to be having taxes withheld from your paycheck. Your employer is supposed to be paying payroll taxes on your income. So, if you report them, chances are, you'll be out of a job because your employer will be paying penalties out the nose.

  5. I would not touch this.  If you were paid minimum wage, it would probably be by payroll & taxes would be taken out & would probably be less than $5/hr.  You are lucky to have a job at 14 (so many on YA can't find anything)--so I would just be quiet at this point.

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