
Does mixing beer and liquor really make you throw up? Why?

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Does mixing beer and liquor really make you throw up? Why?




  1. throwing up all depends on the person drinking

    an the amount they are drinking

    they say that mixing ur drinks will make u throw up but if u drink enough of anything whether its mixed or the same drink all night u can chuck

    find out ur limit

  2. Yes and no.

    You can mix them just fine.

    However, it's easier to lose track of how much you've drank if you do. If you have a few beers it might take a while to hit you, and then you follow them with a few shots it can hit you all at once -- then you're throwing up.

  3. For some it does.  I am typically okay, unless I drink tequila...but that is just tequila and me.

    There are actually beer cocktails out there which mix beer a hard liquor.

  4. ok as the saying goes "beer before liquor never been sicker

    liquor before beer, you're in the clear."

    Live by it. Peace.

  5. the first guy is totally rite

    answer my question plz :P;...

  6. Lol @ the person who said beer is stronger than liquor.....

    And I dont know why....I know mixing dark and light liquor  like bacardi 151 and vodka will OWN YOU though.

  7. I do it alll the time it doesnt make me throw up

  8. "beer before liquor never been sicker

    liquor before beer, you're in the clear."

    WHY YOU ASK????

    A bartender friend once theorized that if you drink beer and then liquor, you end up drinking the liquor like you would the beer. Meaning you're pounding the liquor like it was beer, with the result of drinking a whole h**l of a lot and getting sh*tfaced.

    On the other hand, if your drinking mixed drinks or doing shots, and then switch to beer, you're pretty much drinking the beer like the liquor.  You're pretty much nursing the beers and not drinking that much alcohol any more. Hence you sober up and don't get that sick.

    But as an aside, I do agree that sometimes mixing stuff up will get you sick. Like I know some stupid people who've drank wine, took shots of tequila, had jager, and then drank pints of guiness. I don't care who you are, or what order you drink that... you're not coming out of that unscathed. Make yourself a nice bed by the toilet.

  9. ethyl alcohol is a poison .to much and you can die . alcohol kills the beneficial symbiotic bacteria in your  gut , reducing your ability to digest food and fiber .it is a diuretic , it makes you excrete more fluid than you drink  , this throws off your electrolyte balance .  alcohol metabolizes into acetylcholine , a neurotransmitter.chronic use of alcohol signals the brain to slow down its natural production of this chemical . if an alcoholic suddenly stops ,it takes a few days  for the brain to resume production . in the mean time he suffers delirious tremons ( the DTs ) .seeing pink elephants , etc .try  moderation , dude .

  10. No. The reason people think this is true is because an intoxicated person loses their ability to make good decisions. Meaning that, if you have a few beers and have a buzz, you will be less likely to control the proper amount of liquor entering your body. Most beginning drinkers will have a few beers, not feel too much, then go pounding down shots of vodka and 30 minutes later are sick.

    My fraternity and I go out to bars all the time and it's rare not to see them mixed. We will be drinking beers, then someone will order a round of shots and we'll take em.

    Just know your limits, some people don't understand how quickly a few liquor shots can get you drunk.

  11. not for me. mixing anything with wine a different story though.

  12. beer before liquor never been sicker

    liquor before beer, you're in the clear!

  13. It does me

  14. if u mix u will get sick. i don't know why but it will happen. I think its because beer is stronger than  liquor and i don't really know why though

  15. It all has to do with the way you process the liquids.  Some people's stomach have no problem mixing the beer and liquors because their stomach acids break down the basic ingredients differently than others.  It's not just the liquor that makes people sick, its the other ingredients in the two that combine to make people puke.

  16. no i does it all the tyme... drinking too much is what makes you throw up, or the taste of what ur drinkin.

  17. ive done it and i didnt throw up. i got drunk as **** because i chugged it but i didnt throw up

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