
Does moltrin (tablet 800 ml) help fevers and headaches because i think it doesnt work?

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im 15 and my mom has been giving me it




  1. Motrin 800mg should help with headaches and pains period. ..Not too sure about the fever part...But because it is a pain reliever it would probably break a fever... Good Luck...

    If u need help breaking a fever...Take a luke warm bath...

    That always works for me!

  2. It should help relieve those symptoms but no drug works for everyone.  Everybody is different and for some reason certain people just aren't affected by certain drugs.  You could be one of those people.  I am quite resistant to Vicodin, i could take 3 pills and it wouldn't help my pain or make me so much as tired.  Maybe you should see if aspirin helps your fever.

  3. Motrin is an anit-inflammatory (pains) as well as an anti-pyretic (fever), so yes it will help with fever. You can have it every 4 hours. It however doesn't work for everyone, so you can try tylenol plain 1000mg every 4 hours as well (they're not the same type of medication so its ok)

  4. Shelby0001....1000mg of tylenol every 4 hours is a potentially toxic dose. The maximum adult dose of tylenol is 4000mg daily and would likely be even less tolerable to a 15 year-old.  Also, Motrin is generally given every 6 to 8 hours for pain and inflammation. Please check your facts before dispensing medical advice.

    As far as the question goes, yes Motrin is commonly used to treat headaches and fever, though its effectiveness may vary from patient to patient.

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