
Does money and status really come before parenthood?

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While I really respect Palin for trying to take on the role of vice president to the United States, this is a terrible time for her to take on the roll. My personal politics aside, I can't help but to think how hard it must be to be pregnant at the age of 17 and then have all of your business plastered on the internet. Pictures of Bristol have surfaced where she's partying and holding alcohol containers and people are also checking into the life of the baby's father.

As a mother, I wouldn't want my child who's already about to face tough challenges to have to deal with them as harshly as she will. Anyone that ever got pregnant at a young age in a small town knows how it is to get pregnant and feel like the world is watching you. To do what's best for the child, seeing how things are already, as a mother, would you drop out of the race to do what's best for your family? There is also the issue of her already having a 4-month-old child that has down syndrome. Should the woman and mother in Palin act in the best interest of her family and step down? If McCain gets elected, things will only get worse as far as their public scrutiny goes. I know that some think that they have enough money to make it through, but this isn't about money. As we all know, it takes more than money to take care of a family, it takes time, love, and effort. I know that many people will say that a woman can work and take care of her child at the same time, but this is a bit much for one person and her family.

Also as a mother, i feel that the second you decide that you are going to have a baby, you put many of your personal desires to the side to do what is best for your children.

Please don't make this an issue of democrats versus republicans, I deleted the question from another area because people made this particular issue about the presidential election.




  1. You know, in today's society, even though many talk of how important the family is, it is constantly shoved aside for more worldly things.  I agree with you that as a mother, you need to put your own personal desires aside and focus on your children.  

  2. You make some interesting points.

    I am not critical of Palin's decision to run because she has five children (one of them a special needs child).  We would not be critical of a man running for office if he had small children at home, so why should it be any different?  As long as the children are well cared for by one or both of the parents, why shouldn't women, even those who are mothers, be able to fulfill their political ambitions as well?

    But in light of her teenage daughter's pregnancy, I do have to question the wisdom of her decision to take on such a public role right now.  She has to know that everything about her life is going to become public and be subject to a lot of scrutiny.  This has to be a very difficult and confusing time for her daughter, and I can't imagine it makes it any easier having gone from a small news story that was pretty much confined to Alaska to being national news and discussed on blogs and messageboards.

  3. I imagine people do what they need to do.

    Is her life going to be

    But I guess with the help of her family she'll do this and be a good parent.

    This is a family matter....and I'm still voting for Obama/Biden '08

  4. Hmmm.  I think McCain screwed up by picking her.  After this, there is no way the American people will pick him and her.

  5. why should palin's situation be any different than the little starlets that are doing the baby thing before they get married?  they're worshiped as role models by today's society but we're going to rake this little girl through the dirt for doing the same thing.  the girl is planning on marrying the baby's father according to press releases.  

    as a working mom, i believe that any woman is able to care for a family AND hold a full time career.  there will always be times where she feels stretched thin, but in the long run she's showing her children how to be strong as both a mom and a business woman.  i wish her luck!!!

  6. I personally agree with your stance on family coming first but everyone is different. I can't even try to put myself in Palin's shoes because it just makes no sense to me. I guess she and I have very different priorities. Her career obviously comes first. I would never leave my baby that soon unless I had no choice. I also wouldn't want to throw my pregnant teenager into the public eye. She has the right to put her career ahead of her kids though. I certainly wouldn't consider her mom of the year but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be a great VP. As of now, I'm still undecided. I do believe that being SO career-oriented takes away from a person's children- mother or father, republican or democrat, famous or not.

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