
Does money matter in cricket?

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or does money matter more than cricket




  1. Yes

  2. Of course it does.  Its a money making machine.  Terrestrial TV rights are given up because Sky pay more.  Players say they are willing to retire from Tests to play in the IPL.  Allan Stanford is offering a million dollars per man for a game and suddenly the England Test captain decides he quite likes 20/20 after all.

  3. Only to Indians who worship the almighty dollar

  4. Don't blame the money or players, blame the idiots who thought up 20/20/IPL. If the temptation wasn't there, they wouldn't be wanting to desert their traditional teams.

  5. yes it does bt cricket is wht that runs through der mind when they play cricket bt after its finished first tht comes in der mind is money......even they r human and money is the only thing tht matters!

  6. We are unfortunate but now that is the true. You see, 20/20 IPl. This is the brain child of the indian joker's bunch. They are doing their bussiness and spoilling the main spirit of the game. These jokers led by a great joker king Sarad Power is doing Cricket as a movie like entertaining bussiness. Now money makes cricket.

  7. Money matter most in BCCI especially their IPL

  8. money matter everywhere

  9. Yes it does..

    Just ask the BCCI and their millions of dollars,that speaks for its self...

  10. Well apparently it does to some players who would let their own side down to play IPL.

  11. yes ask about it from Tendulkar, and the lost Pepsi commercial...


  12. In beggning it is not but at a stage it is metter

  13. Don't blame the money or players, blame the guys who thought up 20/20/IPL

  14. I thought it was obvious!! Not just the IPL, but the endorsements, the sponsorships have always been there!!

  15. money matters in IPL

  16. It doesnt take a brain surgeon to work it out.

    Lalit modi is a bast@ard.

    The sri lanka players, care more about earning some dosh in the s**+* bore of IPL, than playing test cricket for there country against England, Which should be on top of any players list, at playing at lords.

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