
Does monster energy drinks cause internal bleeding?

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I drink monster like 3 times a day. Dont answer this and say oh it gives u heart disease. cause i dont care and i know. i want to know if its the truth wether or not it causes internale bleeding. i drink them alot and i just dont want to die this younge... i hope when i get out of my softball game u guys will have this answer thanks<3♥





  1. my dad has drunk 4 xxl monsters a day for the last two years and he is fine

  2. No but in the long run you&#039;ll conceive. You&#039;ll have a monster babe in the end.!!! Switch to Stacker. You&#039;ll resemble Triple H!!

  3. Hi Laura, you have nothing to worry about. They are just caffeinated energy drinks. No different then say Red Bull. People who drink alot of coffee get just as much caffeine over the course of a day, or mountain dew drinkers for that matter. So set your mind at ease, you&#039;ll be fine :) John

  4. Why would they sell if it did? Anything in excess is usually bad, though. If you drink too much, you might have some health problems, but I don&#039;t think like one can or whatever they sell it in will make you bleed inside.

  5. I&#039;m sure the government would not allow any consumeable item  to be sold that caused internal bleeding. Happy softballing.

  6. No it does not, but it is not good to drink that garbage!  How about this, if you are worried about it stop drinking the stuff!

  7. Oh, absolutely. These major companies make more money when they kill off their clientele. I mean, look at how much money the beer and liquor companies are worth and they kill off millions.

    Note to self: some peoples thought processes are tied to the blatherings of the Internet blogs and Q&amp;A sections.

  8. The drink contains small monsters that eat at your internal organs. The monsters are scientificaly known as jolocinificators. They are green with large inscisors and a series of 8 molar teeth with a large grinding surface.

    They originated on the planet Zorgofia and were brought here by the Coca Cola company who later sold them onto a small drinks company in America. Good luck

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