
Does more study/work make you get questions wrong?

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My stupid brother thinks that the longer you study, the more questions you will get wrong in a test or exam.

Is this true? If so, please provide sources.




  1. It is not just the time spend, it is the interest and getting the doubts clarified.The more you study, you get more clarity and understanding of the subject.

    It leads to more depth and detailed analysis and more questions and perhaps more answers.

    It is the opposite of what your brother thinks, the more the active effort you put, the more you will get answers right in a test or exam.

  2. not always.  but sometimes it can make you stress out and over think something.  Or you spend too much time studying and too little time sleeping, and your brain gets too fried.

    A long time ago I heard something like the stuff you remember the most is what you study in the first 10 minutes and the last 2 minutes of a study session.  I don't know if that is true.

    Maybe take frequent brakes and get plenty of sleep.

  3. I don't know if you mean studying for 10 hours straight or studying for 3 weeks daily by your use of the word "longer".  Anyway, here is a link that discusses this issue and how to study effectively:

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