
Does morning glory spread?

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Someone gave me a morning glory seedling. Two have sprouted. Will it spread or am I just going to have 2 strands of it?




  1. DOES IT EVER!!!

    It's a pretty plant but it gets invasive.

  2. Like wildfire of the plant kingdom, it will spread! It reseeds itself quite easily so anywhere the vines are allowed to drop their seeds will be sprouting morning glory for years.

  3. you will have two strands of it this year..... if you pinch the tip of the strands they may branch out pretty good and give you a nice full plant.... but usually, it's one vine branch.... the flowers that come will make seeds... those seeds will fall in your soil and NEXT season, you'll have GOBS of vines!!... well, several, anyways..... and if you let the seeds fall then, you'll have MORE..... it starts out small and increases as the seeds happen!!.... but the nice thing is that the heart shape of the leaves is easy to see when the seedlings are coming up and if there's too many you can yank out as many as you don't want and pass them along or dump'em....

  4. In some places, it grows wild because it spreads so much.  Where I live you can see morning glory and blackberry bushes all intertwined.

  5. I has beautiful flowers but a rampant grower with poisonous sap. It's a pest in my garden coz it just sprouts everywhere.

  6. Morning Glory is one of the most invasive plants I have ever had the displeasure of inheriting on our property.  It grows like a weed and spread EVERYWHERE.  Even if you pull it out of the ground the slightest little root will re-sprout.  It can look really pretty entwined around posts or fences but can also become destructive.  Good luck!!

  7. Almost as bad a Poison Ivy!

  8. There are a number of different plants that are called Morning Glory. How much it spreads will depend on which one you have and your climate. In a northern climate, the kind of plants and seeds called morning glory and sold at garden centres will not survive winter. The really invasive weed type is also known as bindweed, among other names, and no one in their right mind would be giving you seeds from that.

  9. very fast

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