
Does motion sickness medication work for roller coasters?

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I'm headed to Hershey Park on Sunday, and I intend to ride as many roller coasters as I possibly can. I'm not one to get motion sickness, but I was wondering if taking motion sickness medication would help should I start to feel a little sick. Anyone who knows the answer or has personal experience let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. yes, I always take Dramimine before I go to amusement parks - - it really helps.


  2. wat da **** hoe

  3. We do the Dramamine thing, and they help sometimes.  It really depends on the rides though.  My husband and I have no problems with regular coasters, but the ones with loops make both of us sick these days, but we still love them.  

    The key is timing.  Don't hit everything at once. Take breaks in between the big twisting coasters.  When you start feeling sick, stop riding and do something else like watching some shows, shopping, or eating lunch or a light snack.  When you feel better, get back to riding the rides.

  4. yes, i'm a total loser who needs to pop dramamine before going on rides

  5. I get motion sickness easily but in my experience, the pills don't always work. I know that ginger works well for nausea though. Perhaps you could bring a little bag of ginger snaps just in case? That usually works for me. Good luck!

  6. They work on some people but not on others.

    I get very motion sick sometimes, and what works for me is these motion sickness wristbands.  They have little metal things that dig into your wrist a little, and they help with motion sickness.  I don't know how they work, but they're really helpful.

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